Hardin-Hawkins-Nobles Families
Alan Anderson, Compiler
Connie Johnson-Jarvis, Compiler
Henry Hardin's Will Alan Anderson, Compiler In the name of God Amen. I, Henry Hardin of the county of Sumter and state of Georgia being of sound and disposing mind and memory and being desirous to settle my wordly affairs while I have strength so to do, do make and publish this my Last Will and Testament hereby revoking all wills by me at any time heretofore made. 1 Item I desire and direct that all my just debts be paid with as little delay as possible by my Executor hereinafter appointed. 2 Item I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Lucinda the land whereon I now reside consisting of one hundred and forty four acres more or less of lot number one hundred and one (101) in the twenty seventh (27) district of said county about sixty or seven- ty acres cleared, together with farming tools of every descrip- tion belonging to said plantation with stock of all kinds consis- ting (of) one mare, one mule, cattle and hogs with all the pro- visions on the plantation household and kitchen furniture two horse wagon and Jersey wagon for and during her natural life or widowhood. And after her death or marriage the above bequeathed property to be sold and equally divided among my beloved children John Hardin, Drew Hardin, David Hardin, William D. Hardin, Henry Hardin, Thomas Harden (sic), Monroe Hardin, Elizabeth Autry, Sar- ah Fletcher, Frances Freeman, Nancy Hardin, Rocella Hardin, Lucy Ann Hardin. I also direct that my executor sell so much of the above bequeathed property as may be necessary to pay my just debts. 3rd Item I give and bequeath to my beloved son James B. Harden (sic) five dollars. 4th Item I give and bequeath to the heirs of my beloved son Silas Hardin five Dollars. 5th Item I hereby constitute and appoint my beloved son Drewry Hardin Executor of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I the said Henry Hardin have to this my last will and testament set my hand and seal this June 10th 1867. his Henry X Hardin (Seal) mark Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above named Henry Hardin as his last will and testament in presence of us who at his request in presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses hereto. Thomas E. Smith L.B.W. Carter S.B. Council State of Georgia Court of Ordinary for said county Personally Sumter County appeared in open court, Thomas E. Smith, L.B.W. Carter, and S.B. Council, the witnesses to the within instrument, who being duly sworn, depose and say, that they saw Henry Hardin sign, seal, publish & declare the within instrument as his last will and testament, voluntarily & freely without compulsion & that they signed the said will as witnesses, in the presence of Henry Hardin the Testator at his request and of each other; and at the time of signing the same, the said Hen- ry Hardin was of sound mind and memory, as far as they know, or believe. Sworn to and subscribed in open court this 2nd day of September 1867. L.P. Dorman Thomas E. Smith (L.S.) Ordinary L.B.W. Carter (L.S.) S.B. Council (L.S.)Inventory & Appraisement of the Estate of Henry Hardin Deceased. 1st 3 beds & Furniture $75.00 2nd 1 Clock 1.00 3rd 9 Chairs 4.50 4th 1 Gun 1.00 5th 1 Chest .50 6th 1 Trunk 1.00 7th 1 Slab .50 8th 1 Dining Table 2.50 9th 1 Loom 5.00 10th 2 Wheels 2.00 11th 1 Reel 1.00 12th Cooking utensils 2.00 13th Crockery Ware .50 14th Knives & Forks .25 15th Tin Ware .75 16th 9 old plows 1.00 17th 4 Axes .40 18th 3 Wedges 1.00 19th 4 Hoes .25 20th Lot of old irons 1.00 21st 5 Boxes .25 22nd 3 Barrels .30 23rd 2 Jars and one jug .80 24th 1 Gallon pot .50 25th 1 Frow & 1 Drawing Knife 1.00 26th 1 Auger & 2 Chisels .25 27th Ivy chain & Pitch Fork .50 28th 3 Stock & Hoes 1.50 29th 3 Swingle trees & 3 divises 1.00 30th 1 Wash Pot .10 31st 1 Grind Stone 2.00 32nd 1 Waggon - 2 Horse 70.00 33rd 1 Horse waggon 10.00 34th Steel yards .10 35th 2 pair plow gear 1.00 36th Cross cut saw .50 37th Sythe Cradle & Recess Hook 1.50 38th 100 Bushels corn 125.00 39th Lot of fodder 1.25 per hundred about 1200 lbs. 15.00 40th One fat hog 12.50 41st 8 Shoates 24.00 42nd Sow & Pigs 12.00 43rd 5 Meat Hogs 40.00 44th 2 Cows & 2 Yearlings 30.00 45th 1 Mule 50.00 46th 1 Mare 50.00 47th 140 Acres of land $1000.00 $1470.95 State of Georgia We do certify upon oath that as far as was pro- Sumter County duced to us by the Executor the above and fore- going contains a true appraisement of the goods, chattels & credits of the Estate of Henry Hardin, Deceased to the best of our judgment & understanding. Given under our hands & official signature this Novr. 14th 1867. L.B.W. Carter W.N. Stewart Appraisers S.B. Council
Samuel Hawkins' Will Georgia Jones County In the name of God amen. I Samuel Hawkins being weak of body but of Sound mind and memory do make and constitute this my last will and desire that my executors hereafter named will have my body decently buried and that all my Just debts be (&) shall be discharged as soon as can be conveniently done and as it has pleased God to bless me with a portion of worldly wealth in this life now it is my will and desire that the same may be divided by my Executors in the following manner for the great love and af- fection that I have for my loving wife Susannah Hawkins I do lend unto her during her natural life the following property viz Roger Nead Hage Chana Lilly Ben Abram which Said seven negroes I lend unto my said wife during her life and the land and plantation all the household furniture and kitchen furniture one Still two carts one waggon and all the Stock of each kind and all the plantation tools and all the provisions that may be at the time of my de- cease to be here or for the use of the family and after the death of my wife it is my desire that my Son Stephen Hawkins to have Silvy and her increase and after the death of my wife it is my will and desire that my Son Stephen to have Ned and Abram and my Son Ezekiel Hawkins to have Hager and Roger and my granddaughter Elizabeth Hawkins Clark to have Chana and Ben and in case the said Elizabeth Hawkins Clark should die before She Should arrive at the age of twenty one or without Issue then it is my will and desire that the said negroes and their increase Should be Equally divided between my Son Ezekiel Hawkins & Stephen Hawkins and af- ter the death of my Said wife I do give the waggon unto my Son Ezekiel Hawkins I do desire that after (the death) of my loving wife that all the property I have loaned unto her except Such as I have willed away after her death to be Sold and an equal dis- tribution of the amount thereof be equally divided between Ezek- iel Hawkins Stephen Hawkins and the Said Elizabeth Hawkins Clark and I do nominate and appoint Susannah Hawkins my wife and Ezek- iel Hawkins my Son as Executors of this my last will and testa- ment in witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand this 9th day of February 1816. Samuel Hawkins Signed in the presence of us his William + Gray mark Thomas Summons JP his John + Gray mark Georgia Jones County Came in open Court Thomas Summons being Sworn Saith that he was a Subscribing witness to the within will and Saw the testator sign the same and he was of sound mind and memory and he saw Wil- liam Gray and John Gray Sign the Same as witnesses and they Sign- ed in the presence of each other and in the presence of the tes- tator. Thomas Summons A Carter Clk
Hugh McKay's Will Georgia, Jones County In the name of God! Amen. I Hugh McKay of Said State and County being in good health and of sound and disposing mind and memory, but calling to my mind that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say my Soul I reserve to God who gave it to me and my body I desire to be buried in a decent manner and a marble tombstone put up so soon as it can be procured. Item - I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Sarah McKay during her natural life or widowhood the proceeds of the following tracts or parcels of Land, which I wish sold by my Exex and Exer's on a credit of one and two years (except one thousand dollars herein- after disposed of) to wit Lots numbers ninety five, ninety Six, ninety eight, one hundred and nineteen and one hundred and seven- ty five, all in the eight district of originally Baldwin now Jones County containing two hundred and two and a half acres each, be the same more or less, and the Brown tract of Land in said county containing one hundred acres more or less and the proceeds of the Sale of all my stock of every kind whatsoever, and the plantation and carpenter tools (which I wish sold as above by my Exr & Exor's) also the proceeds of the sale of my Blacksmith tools which I wish sold as above, all my household and kitchen furniture and the following named negroes to wit Pender, Abb, Moses, Taner, Winny daughter of said Moses and Taner, Ralph, Eli- za, Liddy, Young Moses, Henry, Easter, Fed, Sam, Peter, Spencer, Vick and Gilbert, together with the future increase of the fe- males, and on the death or marriage of my wife it is my will and desire that the whole of said property and money shall be equally divided between my two sons, Hugh Dixon McKay and George Washing- ton Franklin McKay share and share alike or the whole go to the survivor of them, should they not then be both in life to them and their heirs forever, but should both of my said sons die with- out any heir, it is then my will and desire that the whole of my said property and money after the death or marriage of my said wife, shall be equally divided between all of my grandchildren then in life share and share alike to them & their heirs forever. And it is also my will and desire that my said sons shall be edu- cated, clothed and wholly and decently supported out of the pro- ceeds of said property and money, until they or the survivor shall obtain the entire possession of the said property and money on the death or marriage of my said wife but should my said wife marry I loan to her during her natural life the said negro girl Eliza with her future increase and a bed and furniture, and at her death the same to go to my said sons etc. as above stated. Item - I give and bequeath to my son Neill McKay five hundred dollars cash to be paid out of the proceeds of said Land directed to him and his heirs forever. Item - I give and bequeath to my son Daniel McKay Lot number twenty four in the seventh district of originally Baldwin now Jones County, containing two hundred two and half acres more or less, or the value thereof should I sell said Lot of land during my life, to him and his heirs for- ever. Item - I give and bequeath to my son John McKay five hun- dred dollars in cash to be paid out of the proceeds of the sale of my Land directed to be sold as above whenever the same shall be collected to him and his heirs forever. Item - I give and bequeath to my said sons Hugh Dixon McKay and George Washington Franklin McKay all the residue of my estate both real and person- al to be equally divided between them share and share alike to them and their heirs forever, but should I either die without any other heirs, then to the survivors, but should both die without any heir, then to be divided between the whole of my grandchildren then in life share and share alike. And lastly I constitute nom- inate and appoint my said wife Ex'ex and Stephen Renfroe & Abra- ham Johnson Ex'ers to execute this my last will and testament. In testimony whereof I the said Hugh McKay have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 15th day of July 1836. Hugh McKay Signed, Sealed and published in presence of us. The bequest of George and Sindy to Sarah McKay and the bequest of young Winny to Neill McKay and words in two places, "except the children of Nan- cy Hawkins" all erased before signing. Samuel Lowther Charles Hutchings Richard H. Hutchings Georgia, Jones County I, Hugh McKay of said County being of sound mind and memory do make this codicil to this my last will and testament upon this sheet, now I do by this writing which I hereby declare to be a codicil to my said will to be taken as a part thereof, will dir- ect and bequeath that my wife Sarah McKay have and retain the possession use and occupancy of my tract of Land usually called the Brown place in said County containing one hundred acres more or less for and during her natural life or widowhood, as a home for her self and my two sons Hugh Dixon McKay and George Washing- ton Franklin McKay and at her death or marriage said lands to be disposed of as directed in my will aforesaid. I further will and direct that my said wife Sarah McKay have and retain the use and possession of all my beds bedsteads and bedding and all other necessary household and kitchen furniture including my silver ware also my gold watch for and during her natural life or widow- hood and at her death or marriage said silver ware to be the pro- perty of my son George W.F. McKay, and the gold watch is to be the property of my son Hugh Dixon McKay and the household and kitchen furniture, beds, bedstead & bedding to be disposed of as in my will directed. In testimony whereof I have set my hand and seal this 26th day of March 1839. Hugh McKay Signed, Sealed, published and declared in the presence of us and we in the presence of the testator and the name of Hugh Dixon McKay erased in first line on this page and the name of George W.F. McKay inserted instead thereof, the words George Washington Franklin in third line erased & the name of Hugh Dixon inserted instead thereof. Robert V. Hardeman Charles Hutchings William Brewer Georgia, Jones County Court of Ordinary July Term 1839 In open Court personally came Charles Hutchings who being duly sworn saith that he saw Hugh McKay sign, seal publish and declare the foregoing writing to be and contain his last will and testa- ment and codicil; that he was of sound & disposing mind and memo- ry at the execution thereof, that he executed the same freely and without compulsion and that Samuel Lowther & Richard Hutchings subscribed said will & Robert V. Hardeman & William Brewer the codicil thereto as witnesses in the presence of testator and de- ponent and at request of testator. Charles Hutchings Sworn to & Subscribed this 1st day of July 1839. William Brewer Dep C.C.O.
Ezekiel Hawkins' Will State of Georgia Sumter County I Ezekiel Hawkins, being of advanced age & in feeble health, but of sound & disposing memory do make & declare this as my last will and testament, hereby revoking former wills I may have made. Item Second. I direct that my executor sell my property personal & real in such parcels publicly or privately, as in his judgment he may think best for the interest of the estate. When he has paid my debts, he will pay to Henry Sheffield of Texas, husband of my daughter Amanda Sheffield Five hundred Dollars, and to the children of my son William J. Hawkins, also of Texas, Five Hund- red Dollars. The money remaining in the hands of my executor af- ter paying these legacies he will divide equally into seven parts & pay a share to each of my children living & a like share to the representative or representatives of such as may be dead. Item Third. I appoint Samuel H. Hawkins Executor of this my will, this the 19th of March 1866. Daniel McKay Ezekiel Hawkins (Seal) J.H. Markett Signed sealed published & declared by the above named Ezekiel Haw- kins as his laast will & testament in presence of us, who at his request in presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses hereto. Feby. 28th 1868 W.M. Granberry F.A. Cowles Wm. H. Brewer J.P. State of Georgia In person appeared before me James M. Stanford Sumter County Ordinary of said county, W.M. Granberry & Wm. H. Brewer, who being duly sworn deposeth and saith that in said county on the 28th day of February 1868 depo- nents saw Ezekiel Hawkins, then of said county, now deceased, sign, seal, publish & declare the within as his last will and testament, that he was not influenced to do so by any person whatever & was at the time of sound mind and memory. Deponents subscribed said will as witnesses in the presence of the Testator at his request and saw F.A. Cowles subscribe said will as witness at Testators request who saw Testator sign his name to said will. All the witnesses subscribed in the presence of Testator & of each other. Sworn to & subscribed before me October 5th 1868.
Pinkethman W. Hawkins' Will State of Georgia County of Sumter I Pinkethman W. Hawkins of the county and state aforesaid, being of sound and disposing mind, do make and declare this my last will and testament. Item first. I direct that my just debts be paid as soon after my death as possible. Item Second. I direct that my Executor take charge of my proper- ty & manage and control the same for the payment of my just debts & for the support and maintainance of my wife & minor children - the males until they arrive at the age of twenty one & the females until they marry keeping said property together until my youngest child arrives at age. Item Third. My Executor is authorized publicly or privately at any time to dispose of any of my property in order to enable him to carry out the first & second items of this my will. Item Fourth. I wish my Executor to dispose of a(s) little of my property as possible to carry out the first & second items of this my will & the balance of my property I wish kept together until my youngest child arrives of age & then I direct that the balance of my property be disposed of & the proceeds arising from same be divided equally between my wife and children then living, the representatives of children to take the place of the present in case of his death; provided Charles M.D. and John M. & Wm. J. Hawkins, shall receive less than the others Seventy Dollars each, which amount I have advanced to each of them in property. Item Fifth. I nominate & appoint Samuel H. Hawkins Executor of this my will. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal, this the 31st day of December 1867. P.W. Hawkins (L.S.) Signed sealed and published as the last will & testament of P.W. Hawkins, in presence of us who sign as witnesses at his request & in his presence. Edward Clark (L.S.) F.M. Coker (L.S.) William Coker J.P. (L.S.) State of Georgia In person appeared before James M. Stanford Sumter County Ordinary of said County Edward Clark who being duly sworn deposeth and sayeth that in said county on the 31st day of December 1867 deponent saw P.W. Hawkins then of said county now deceased sign, seal publish & declare the within as his last will and testament, that he was not influenced to do so by any person whatever & was at the time of sound mind and memory, deponent subscribed said will as a witness in the presence of the testator at his request and saw F.M. Coker and William Coker subscribe said will as witnesses at testators re- quest who both saw testator sign his name to said will. All the witnesses subscribed in the presence of testator and of each other. Edward Clark Sworn to & subscribed before me this the 3rd day of Novr 1868 J.M. Stanford Ordinary
Hardin Families Alan Anderson, Compiler Henry Hardin, b. ca. 1789 in S.C., married 2)Lucinda Coatney, b. ca. 1801 in S.C., on Dec. 28,1829 in Butts Co., Ga.. No informa- tion available on his first wife. Henry Hardin died in Sumter County, Ga. in 1867. Lucinda C. Hardin died in Sumter County, Ga. in Mar. 1885. His children included: (1)John b. ca. 1815 in S.C., married Amy ______ ca. 1840; (2)Silas M. b. ca. 1822 in S.C., married Lucy Ann Alexander Nov. 21,1845, d. pre-1867 in Jasper Co., Ga.; (3)Drewry b. ca. 1828 in S.C., married Susan ______ ca. 1848 in Sumter Co., Ga.; (4)Elizabeth b. ca. 1829 in Butts Co., Ga., married Henry R. Autry Dec. 6,1855 in Sumter Co., Ga.; (5)Sarah b. ca. 1831 in Butts Co., Ga., married Thomas Fletcher Oct. 27,1853 in Sumter Co., Ga.; (6)James B. b. ca. 1833 in Jasper Co., Ga., married Martha Duckworth Oct. 19,1854 in Sum- ter Co., Ga.; (7)David b. ca. 1835 in Jasper Co., Ga., married Harriett A. Freeman Dec. 28,1854 in Sumter Co., Ga. d. Feb. 27, 1869 (although listed as living in Sept. 1870 Federal Census); (8)William D. b. ca. 1836 in Jasper Co., Ga., married 1st)Mary Ann Adams Dec. 14,1854 in Sumter Co., Ga., married 2nd)Nancy Mathis Aug. 24,1874 in Sumter Co., Ga., d. Jan. 15,1883; (9)Henry H. b. Dec. 25,1837 in Jasper Co., Ga., married Celia ______; (10)Fran- ces A. b. ca. 1838 in Jasper Co., Ga., married William A. Freeman Oct. 18,1855 in Sumter Co., Ga.; (11) Nancy b. ca. 1839 in Jasper Co., Ga.; (12)Thomas Jefferson b. Feb. 16,1841 or 1844 in Jasper Co., Ga., married Lena M. ______, d. May 8,1921 in Sumter Co., Ga.; (13)Robert Monroe b. ca. 1842 in Jasper Co., Ga., married Beuty Rouse Dec. 21,1865 in Sumter Co., Ga.; (14)Rocella b. ca. 1843 in Ga., married Joseph T. Duckworth Feb. 24,1867 in Sumter Co., Ga.; (15) Lucy Ann b. ca. 1844 in Ga., married William Jack- son Hawkins Feb. 6,1873 in Sumter Co., Ga., d. May 21,1913 in Sumter Co., Ga. David, James B., Thos. J., and Robert Monroe Hardin served in Co. B, 11th Bttn., Ga. Arty., "Sumter Flying Artillery", CSA. Henry H. Hardin served in Co. H, 3rd Regt., Ala. Vols., CSA. Drewry Hardin served in Co. B, 46th Ga. Inf., CSA. Butts Co., Ga. 1830 Federal Census: Henry Hardin, head of house- hold consisting of 4 males, 4 females and no slaves. Jasper Co., Ga. 1840 Federal Census: Henry Hardin, FWM, 40-50; FWF, 30-40; FWF, 15-20; FWM, 15-20; FWF, 10-15; FWM, 10-15; FWM, 10-15; FWM, 5-10; FWF, -5; FWF, -5; FWM, -5; FWM, -5 (free white females and free white males by age categories).
Hawkins Families Alan Anderson, Compiler Samuel Hawkins (probably son of Pinkethman Hawkins of Lunenburg Co., Va., who d. ca. 1779-1782 in Abbeville Dist., S.C., with Sarah, Elizabeth, Matthew, Thomas and Stephen as siblings), b. mid-1700s in S.C., married Susannah Slaughter in 1780s, daughter of Ezekiel Slaughter, a Revolutionary soldier who d. July-Aug. 1792 in Greene Co., Ga. Samuel Hawkins d. ca. 1816 in Jones Co., Ga., survived by Susannah. Their known children included: (1) Stephen b. late-1700s, lived in Jones Co., Ga.; (2)Ezekiel b. Dec. 29,1790 in Greene Co., Ga., married Nancy McKay Nov. 2,1820 in Jones Co., Ga., d. Aug. 31,1868 in Sumter Co., Ga. Ezekiel Hawkins and Nancy McKay, b. Dec. 25,1796 in Robeson Co., N.C. d. Sept. 15,1861 in Sumter Co., Ga., had the following chil- dren: (1)Pinkethman W. b. Sept. 27,1820 in Jones Co., Ga., married Stacy W. Tinsley ca. 1839 in Sumter Co., Ga., d. Dec. 31, 1867 in Sumter Co., Ga.; (2)William Jackson b. ca. 1827 in Jones Co., Ga., married ______, d. 1860s; (3)Georgia Ann b. Sept. 22, 1829 in Jones Co., Ga., married Alexander Chappell Oct. 23,1849 in Sumter Co., Ga., d. May 12,1891 in Plains, Ga.; (4)Sarah Amanda b. ca. 1831 in Jones Co., Ga., married Henry Sheffield June 16, 1850 in Sumter Co., Ga., (moved to Texas); (5)Samuel Hugh b. Jan. 10,1835 in Jones Co., Ga., married Dorcas Ann Cordelia Mat- thews July 11,1860 in Marion Co., Ga., d. May 26,1905 in Americus, Ga.; (6)Margaret E. b. ca. 1837 in Jones Co., Ga., married Wash- ington Tharp July 12,1855 in Sumter Co., Ga. Ezekiel and Pinkethman Hawkins served in Capt. John R. Gregory's Cavalry, 5th Regt., Jones Co., Ga., Aug. 1813, War of 1812. Pinkethman W. Hawkins and Stacy W. Tinsley Hawkins had the fol- lowing children: (1)Neill b. Nov. 11,1840 in Sumter Co., Ga., d. Oct. 4,1843 in Sumter Co., Ga.; (2)Charles J. b. ca. 1841 in Sum- ter Co., Ga., married Mamie E. Jackson Dec. 1,1869 in Sumter Co., Ga.; (3)John M. b. ca. 1843 in Sumter Co., Ga., married Mary Las- seter Oct. 12,1865 in Sumter Co., Ga., d. Sept. 28,1927 in Moul- trie, Ga.; (4)William Jackson b. Apr. 3,1846 in Sumter Co., Ga., married Lucy Ann Hardin on Feb. 6,1873 in Sumter Co., Ga., d. Jan. 17,1903 in Webster Co., Ga.; (5)Robert Ezekiel b. Feb. 13, 1848 in Sumter Co., Ga., d. July 7,1851 in Sumter Co., Ga.; (6) Thomas J. b. ca. 1849 in Sumter Co., Ga., married ______, d. Apr. 24,1915 in Redfield, Ark.; (7)Isabella A. b. Jan. 22,1852 in Sumter Co., Ga., d. July 17,1869 in Sumter Co., Ga.; (8)Samuel Hugh, Jr. b. Apr. 1854 in Sumter Co., Ga., married Laura E. Jor- dan Nov. 20,1883 in Schley Co., Ga.; (9)Christopher Columbus b. Oct. 12,1856 in Sumter Co., Ga., married 1st)Fannie Matthews May 15,1884 in Sumter Co., Ga., married 2nd)Mary Murphy Dec. 19, 1895 in Sumter Co., Ga., d. Sept. 4,1948 in Americus, Ga.; (10) Martha b. ca. 1859 in Sumter Co., Ga.; (11)Sarah Amanda b. Feb. 1860, in Webster Co., Ga., married Stafford P. Bunch Dec. 26,1899 in Sumter Co., Ga., d. May 15,1924 in Americus, Ga.; (12)Daniel B. b. ca. 1862 in Sumter Co., Ga. Charles J.* and John M. Hawkins served in 11th Bttn., Ga. Arty, "Sumter Flying Artillery", CSA (*deserted Nov. 11,1862 Culpepper, Va.) William Jackson and Lucy A. Hardin Hawkins had the following children: (1)Annie Lou b. 1876, married Henry Knight June 24, 1898 in Sumter Co., Ga.; (2)Nancy Corine b. Apr. 22,1878 in Sum- ter Co., Ga., married William Robert Nobles June 16,1901 in Sum- ter Co., Ga., d. June 30,1957 in Milledgeville, Ga.; (3)Tommie M. b. Mar. 1883 in Sumter Co., Ga.; (4)Harper b. Feb. 1886 in Sumter Co., Ga.; (5) Columbus b. Feb. 1889 in Sumter Co., Ga.; also one child unknown. Wm. J. Hawkins served in Co. G, 2nd Cav. Regt., Ga. Vols., CSA.
Nobles Family Alan Anderson, Compiler John J. Nobles b. ca. 1849 in Ga., d. ca. 1894 in Lee Co., Ga., married Harriet Elizabeth Gill, b. June 1850 in Lee Co., Ga., on Feb. 2,1871 in Lee Co., Ga. His parentage and birthplace unknown. Her parents were William Coffee Gill b. Jan. 30,1819 in Monroe Co. Ala., d. Mar. 10,1899 in Lee Co., Ga., who married 1st)Harriet Morgan on June 3,1838, b. ca. 1823 in Ga., d. Jan. 12,1854 in Lee Co., Ga., married 2nd)Nancy J. Morgan (Harriet's sister), married 3rd)Mrs. Eliza Chillan Kersey. Wm. C. Gill was Lee Co. Sheriff 1858-1871, State Representative 1871, and State Senator 1890. John J. and Harriet E. Gill Nobles had the following children: (1)William Robert b. Apr. 3,1872 in Lee Co., Ga., married Nancy Corine Hawkins on June 16,1901 in Sumter Co., Ga.; (2)Jesse B. b. ca. 1875 in Lee Co., Ga., d. 18__; (3)John Walter b. June 1878 in Lee Co., Ga.; (4)Della b. Sept. 1883 in Lee Co., Ga., married _____ Adams; (5)Addie E. b. Oct. 1886 in Lee Co., Ga., married James B. Parker ca. 1904; (6)Maggie b. Aug. 1886 (sic) in Lee Co., Ga., married Lucian Smith July 28,1901 in Sumter Co., Ga.; two other children unknown. William R. and Nancy C. Hawkins Nobles had the following known children: (1)Annie L. b. July 9,1903 in Sumter Co., Ga., d. Oct. 9,1907 in Sumter Co., Ga.; (2) Alton b. ca.1905 in Sumter Co., Ga.; (3)Louis E. b. ca. 1907 in Sumter Co., Ga.; (4) Linda b. ca. 1909 in Sumter Co., Ga.; (5)Lucy Pauline b. Apr. 22,1915 in Americus, Ga., married Bertram Noell Jan. 29,1939 in Phenix City, Ala.
Descendants of John J Nobles Connie Johnson-Jarvis, Compiler Generation No. 1 1. JOHN J1 NOBLES was born Abt. 1849 in GA, and died Abt. 1894 in GA. He married HARRIETT ELIZABETH GILL 02 Feb 1871 in Smithville, Lee County, GA, daughter of WILLIAM GILL and HARRIETT MORGAN. She was born 19 Jun 1850 in Lee County, GA, and died 1935 in Jacksonville, Duval County, FL. Children of JOHN NOBLES and HARRIETT GILL are: 2. i. WILLIAM ROBERT2 NOBLES, b. 03 Apr 1872, Lee County, GA; d. 12 Apr 1925, Americus, Sumter County, GA. ii. JESSE B NOBLES, b. Abt. 1875, Lee County, GA. iii.JOHN WALTER NOBLES, b. 20 Aug 1878, Lee County, GA; d. 15 Oct 1927, Hawkinsville, Pulaski County, GA; m. CLIFFORD LNU, Abt. 1904; b. Abt. 1883, GA. Notes for JOHN WALTER NOBLES: 1900 GA, Early County, Damascus, District 50 lists Walter as a resident, living with his sister Della. Census lists Walter's occupation as a stock sawmiller. 1910 GA, Sumter County, Militia District 687, District 99 Census lists Walter and Clifford as residents living beside (his sister) Maggie and Lucian Smith. Census indicates Walter and Clifford had been married for 6 years and had given birth to one child that was no longer living. Census indicates Walter's occupation was general farmer. 1920 GA, Pulaski County, Hawkinsville, District 103 Census lists Walter and Clifford as residents. Census indicates Walter's age at 54 and Clifford's age at 32. Census also indicates the couple is childless. The census also indicates Walter's occupation was a spinner at a cotton mill. (Need to do more research to verify if this is the correct Walter Nobles.) Web address to locate the cemetery survey which indicates a John W Nobles is buried. More About JOHN WALTER NOBLES: Burial: Wesley Chapel Cemetery, Hawkinsville, Pulaski County, GA Notes for CLIFFORD LNU: In Pulaski County, marriage license indicates a Clifford Nobles married Jessee Bryant on Oct 8, 1922. (Something to check since Walter did not die until 1927.) 1930 GA, Blackley County, Cary, District 6 Census lists Clifford, age 38; (married at age 29) married to James J Bryant, age 35; (married at age 26) with one son, Jessie C age 9. iv. DELLA NOBLES, b. Sep 1883, Lee County, GA; m. (1) FNU ADAMS; m. (2) GEORGE E FREELY, Abt. 1916; b. Abt. 1894, AK. Notes for DELLA NOBLES: 1930 FL, Duval County, Jacksonville, District 42 Census lists Della married to George E Frieby (spelling on census). Harriet E Noble listed as mother in law is also living with the couple. Census indicates Della is 48 and married at age 33. George is 36 and married at age 20. Harriet is age 80 and widower. 3. v. MAGGIE NOBLES, b. Aug 1885, Lee County, GA. 4. vi. ADDIE E NOBLES, b. Oct 1886, Lee County, GA. Generation No. 2 2. WILLIAM ROBERT2 NOBLES (JOHN J1) was born 03 Apr 1872 in Lee County, GA, and died 12 Apr 1925 in Americus, Sumter County, GA. He married NANCY CORINNE HAWKINS 16 Jun 1901 in Americus, Sumter County, GA, daughter of WILLIAM HAWKINS and LUCY HARDIN. She was born Apr 1880 in Sumter County, GA, and died 30 Jun 1957 in Sumter County, GA. Notes for WILLIAM ROBERT NOBLES: 1920 GA, Sumter County, Militia District 745, District 94 Census lists the family as a resident. More About NANCY CORINNE HAWKINS: Burial: Andersonville Baptist Church Cemetery, Andersonville, Sumter County, GA Children of WILLIAM NOBLES and NANCY HAWKINS are: i. ANNIE L3 NOBLES, b. 09 Jul 1903, Lee/Sumter County, GA; d. 09 Oct 1907, Lee/Sumter County, GA. More About ANNIE L NOBLES: Burial: Old Providence Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery, Sumter County, GA ii. ALTON L NOBLES, b. 1905, Sumter County, GA. Notes for ALTON L NOBLES: 1920 GA, Sumter County, Americus Ward 1, District 100 Census - I believe Alton may have been visiting his aunt Annie and uncle Henry Knight during the census taking. Believe the census taker started to write his last name as Knight but was corrected and census taker did not blot out the "K" but continued to write Nobles, thus there is a "Knobles" for the last name. Alton is also listed with his parents on the 1920 Census. iii. LEWIS E NOBLES, b. 1907, Sumter County, GA. Notes for LEWIS E NOBLES: 1930 GA, Cobb County, Roswell, District 1 lists a Lewis Nobles married to Earby Jackson. The couple is living with her father Thomas J Jackson. Census indicates Lewis is 24 and was married at age 24. Earby is 25 and was married at age 25. Census also indicates Lewis' occupation was electrician at the cotton mill. Census indicates Lewis and his parents were all born in GA. Earby and her parents were all born in AL. (Not sure if this is the correct Lewis, something to check.) iv. ADEL LINDA NOBLES, b. 1909, Sumter County, GA. v. JASON S NOBLES, b. 10 Oct 1912, Sumter County, GA; d. Aug 1990, El Centro, Imperial County, CA. More About JASON S NOBLES: Social Security Number: 257-07-8841 vi. LUCY PAULINE NOBLES, b. 22 Apr 1915, Sumter County, GA; m. BERTRAM GREN NOELL, 29 Jan 1939, Phenix City, AL; b. 17 Feb 1909, Marion County, GA; d. 02 Jul 1958, Columbus, Muscogee County, GA. Notes for BERTRAM GREN NOELL: U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 Record about Bertram G Noel Name: Bertram G Noel Birth Year: 1909 Race: White, citizen Nativity State or Country: Georgia State: Georgia County or City: Muscogee Enlistment Date: 21 Apr 1944 Enlistment State: Georgia Enlistment City: Fort Mcpherson Atlanta Branch: No branch assignment Branch Code: No branch assignment Grade Code: Private Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men) Source: Civil Life Education: 2 years of high school Civil Occupation: Tracktor Driver* or Truck Driver, Heavy or Chauffeur or Truck Driver, Light An asterisk (*) appearing after a job title indicates that a trade test for the particular occupation will be found in the United States Employment Service Manual, Oral Trade Test Marital Status: Married Height: 00 Weight: 106 3. MAGGIE2 NOBLES (JOHN J1) was born Aug 1885 in Lee County, GA. She married LUCIAN A SMITH 27 Jul 1901 in Americus, Sumter County, GA. He was born Abt. 1874 in Lee County, GA. Notes for MAGGIE NOBLES: 1910 GA, Sumter County, Militia District 687, District 99 Census lists Lucian A, Maggie, Obie and Mollie as residents. Census indicates Lucian and Maggie had been married for 10 years and had two children, both were living. Children of MAGGIE NOBLES and LUCIAN SMITH are: i. OBIE3 SMITH, b. Abt. 1905, Sumter County, GA. ii. MOLLY SMITH, b. Abt. 1908, Sumter County, GA. Notes for MOLLY SMITH: Sumter County Marriage registration lists a Mollie Smith married a Cleveland Watts on Aug 21, 1924. (Something to check, this could be the correct Mollie.) 4. ADDIE E2 NOBLES (JOHN J1) was born Oct 1886 in Lee County, GA. She married JAMES B PARKER Abt. 1904 in GA. He was born Abt. 1883 in GA. Notes for ADDIE E NOBLES: 1910 GA, Newton County, Cedar Shoals, District 146 lists James B, Addie E and 2 living children. Census indicates Addie had given birth to 4 children and the couple had been married for 5 years. 1920 GA, Bibb County, Macon Ward 2, District 24 lists James B, wife Eddie E, daughter Evelyn, mother in law Elizabeth Noble and sister Ada Kinley, age 32 and divorced. (Ada may be sister to James.) 1930 GA, Bibb County, Macon, District 8 lists James B, wife Edie E and daughter Annie E as residents. Notes for JAMES B PARKER: 1930 GA, Sumter County, Americus, District 12 Census pg 14 lists Jim B Parker, age 53, married at age 20. Wife Callie, age 52, married at age 19. Daughter Virginia, age 9; daughter Opal, age 22, married at age 17. Son in law, Clifford L Lipford, age 22, married at age 17. (Clifford was born in GA, father in Oh, mother in GA.) Children of ADDIE NOBLES and JAMES PARKER are: i. ANNIE EVELYN3 PARKER, b. Abt. 1906, GA. ii. AMMIE PARKER, b. Abt. 1908, GA.
Bond For Constabulary Alan Anderson, Compiler Georgia Know all men by these presents, that we J.J. Nobles Lee County Principal, and J.M. Hines and G.W. Martin, securi- ties, acknowledge ourselves bound jointly & severally unto Geo. C. Edwards, Ordinary of said County and his successors in office in the sum of five hundred Dollars subject to the following con- siderations. Whereas, the said J.J. Nobles, has been appointed Constable in & for the 915th Dist. G.M. of said County. Now, if the said J.J. Nobles shall faithfully perform all the duties of Constable of the said 915th Dist. G.M. of said County to which said office he has been duly appointed during the time he conti- nues in office, then this obligation to be null and void, else of full force and virtue. This Nov. 22nd 1892. Executed in pre- sence of J.J. Nobles, J.M. Hines, G.W. Martin & approved by Geo. C. Edwards, Ordinary. Georgia I, J.J. Nobles, do solemnly swear that I will well Lee County & faithfully discharge & perform all the duties as Constable as required of me by law. So help me God. (unsigned) Sworn to & subscribed before me 22nd Novr. 1892. Filed in office Novr. 22nd 1892 Geo. C. Edwards, Ordinary
John J. Nobles' Estate Records Georgia To George C. Edwards, Ordinary of said County. Lee County Mrs. Harriet E. Nobles, widow of John Nobles late of said County Deceased, petitions your Honor to appoint commis- sioners to set apart a Twelve Months support out of the estate of said Dec'd., for herself & two minor girl children to wit: - "Della" aged 12 years, & "Addie", aged 8 years. This November 19th 1894. Mrs. H.E. Nobles, Pettr., Ordinary's Office Leesburg, Lee County. November the 19th 1894. Read & considered, the within application of Mrs. Harriet E. No- bles for twelve months support for herself & two minor children, "Della" age 12 years & "Addie" age 8 years. Ordered that J.T. Kitchens, J.W. Kitchens, Goodman Kersey, A.J. Powell, & T.J. Har- grove they be & are hereby appointed appraisers to appraise & set apart twelve months support for Mrs. H.E. Nobles & her two minor children for the space of 12 months from this date, out of the estate of John Nobles, Deceased, and a sufficiency of household furniture for their use, & make return to the Ordinary's office on or before the 1st Monday in December next of their acts & do- ings. Geo. C. Edwards, Ordinary Georgia We, the appraisers appointed to appraise & set Lee County apart a twelve months support out of the Estate of John Nobles, late of said county, Dec'd. for his widow Harriet E. Nobles, & two minor girl children, to wit: - Della & "Addie". We allow them the household & kitchen furniture for their use and Two Hundred & Twenty five Dollars - there being no money we allow the same in kind to wit: - 12 Head Hogs 30.00 50 Bus. Corn 25.00 = $55.00 1 sorrel colt 25.00 8 Bus. Potatoes 4.00 = 29.00 500 stalks sugar cane 3.75 200 # Lint Cotton 10.00 = 13.75 The above am't being ninety nine 75/00 Dollars $99.75 We certify the above to be a just appraisement of the property as produced to us. This Dec'r. 1st 1894. A.J. Powell J.W. Kitchens J.T. Kitchens Filed in office Dec'r. 1st 1894. J.W. Morgan, Dept Clk Ordy. Lee Court of Ordinary Dec'r. Term 1894. The foregoing Return Read & Considered, and ordered that citation issue & be published in terms of the law. This, Dec'r. 3rd 1894. Geo. C. Edwards, Ordinary Lee Court of Ordinary. January Term 1895. Mrs. H.E. Nobles, having made application for a years' support for herself & 2 mi- nor children out of the Estate of her Deceased husband John J. Nobles, and commissioners having made their return & filed their said Return in this Office, and it appearing to the Court that citation has been duly issued & published in terms of the law & no objections filed, Ordered by the Court that the Return of said com's. be approved & allowed, & that the same be & is hereby or- dered to Record. This Jany. 7th 1895. - Geo. C. Edwards, Ordinary
Moses Morgan's Estate Records Wm. C. Gill Admr. Moses Morgan Bond Cont. William C. Gill Administrator of Moses Morgan of this county de- ceased do make a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods and chattels rights and credits of the said deceased which have or shall come into his hands possession or knowledge of any person for him and do exhibit in said court of Ordinary when so required and such goods & chattels do well & truly admin- ister according to law & do make a just account of his actings & doings as such when required by law and if it afterwards appear that any last will & testament was made by said deceased, & the same be proven before the court & the said William C. Gill do in such case if required render and deliver up said letters of ad- ministration, then this obligation to be void else to remain in full force. Signed sealed and acknowledged in open court. Wm. C. Gill Henry P. Wooten Geo. Kimbrough Ordinary For Orders Establishing the above Bond etc., See minutes of Court page (not given). Recorded This May 22nd 1858. D.J. Sessions Dep. Ordinary