Hugh Lawson Speer Family
compiled by Alan Anderson

Jan. 18,1939  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Sims and family,
              Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer, from here and Mrs. Della
              Cobb of Birmingham, Ala. left today for Tifton, 
              where they will attend the funeral of Mrs. R.H. 
Feb. 10,1939  H.L. Speer in honorary escort for funeral of A.G.
              Mulholland at Leslie Feb. 11th
Mar. 16,1939  H.L. Speer on city court jury list
Mar. 30,1939  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. Alva Speer of Ochloch-
              nee spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. H.L. 
May  13,1939  engagement announcement of Miss Margaret Ray Rob-
              inson, granddaughter of Arin and Malinda Speer 
              Robinson, to Laurence Morgan Smith on June 11th
June 12,1939  marriage of Miss Margaret Ray Robinson and Morgan 
              Laurence Smith, on June 11th
July  6,1939  TCN - "MARRIAGE - Mrs. John S. Murray, of Albany,
              daughter of Arin Robinson of Ellaville, and the 
              late Malinda Speer Robinson was married Sunday af-
              ternoon (July 2nd) at 3:30 to Mr. Hugh Milton Mills
              of Albany..."
July 10,1939  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Cheves and chil-
              dren, Joanne and Charles of Gainesville, Ga., spent 
              Thursday night with Mrs. Cheves' parents, Mr. and 
              Mrs. H.L. Speer.  Charles remained over and will be 
              here for several weeks, while Mr. and Mrs. Cheves 
              and Joanne are away on the Martin's Western Tour, Mr. 
              Cheves being general supervisor and Mrs. Cheves 
              one of the counselors."
Sept 13,1939  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. Alva Speer and daugh-
              ter, Miss Helen Speer, of Ochlochnee, spent Sunday 
              here the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer." 
Sept 21,1939  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Speer and 
              daughter, Bettie, of Pahokee, Florida, have re-
              turned to their home after a visit of two weeks to 
              Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer." 
Nov.  2,1939  TCN - "Ellaville Personals - Friends of J.H. Robin-
              son will regret to hear he has his ankle in a cast
              due to an injury received when he fell from a lad-
              der several days ago."
Nov.  8,1939  "Leslie News - Mrs. C.J. Cheves, two children, 
              Joanne and Charles, of Gainesville, Ga., and Mr. J.S. 
              Speer of Dahlonega, and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Speer, 
              were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer, 
Nov. 29,1939  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Cheves and chil-
              dren...spent the holidays here with Mrs. Cheves'
              parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer."
Dec. 26,1939  "Ellaville News - Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Robinson spent 
              the weekend guests of relatives in Manchester."
Jan. 18,1940  TCN - "Ellaville Personals - Mrs. J.H. Robinson has
              been reinstated as librarian and the library will 
              be reopened."
Jan. 19,1940  "Leslie News - Mrs. H.L. Speer is able to be up 
              after two weeks in bed with influenza."
Feb. 14,1940  "Leslie News - Mrs. J.M. Green of Tifton, and Mr. 
              and Mrs. John S. Speer of Dahlonega are the guests 
              of Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer."
May  31,1940  "Dick Robinson, of Alpine, Texas, is the guest of 
              his mother, Mrs. Ethel Robinson, at her home on 
              Brown street."
June  3,1940  "Ellaville News - Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Robinson spent
              Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mills in Albany."
June  6,1940  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Speer of Ochloch-
              nee spent Sunday and Monday here the guests of Mr.
              and Mrs. W.T. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. H.L. 
June 20,1940  TCN - "Ellaville Personals - Misses Dorothy Jane
              Murray and Betty Anne McMillen, of Albany, and Dick
              Robinson, of Americus, have been guests of Mr. and
              Mrs. J.H. Robinson the past week."
Aug.  9,1940  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Cheves and Char-
              les Cheves of Gainesville, Ga., have been the 
              guests of Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer for several days.
              They visited friends at Cairo and Ochlochnee Sun-
Aug. 14,1940  "Leslie News - Mrs. C.J. Cheves who has been here 
              for several weeks visiting her parents, Mr. and 
              Mrs. H.L. Speer will leave in a few days for her 
              home in Gainesville, Ga."
Aug. 21,1940  "Leslie News - Mrs. H.L. Speer left Friday for a
              visit to her daughter, Mrs. C.J. Cheves at Gaines-
              ville, Ga."
Aug. 22,1940  TCN - "Ellaville Personals - Miss Jane Murray and
              Mrs. Hugh Mills, of Albany, are guests of Mr. and
              Mrs. J.H. Robinson and Mr. A. Robinson."
Sept  9,1940  obit of Arin Robinson, widower of Malinda Speer, 
              died Sept. 9th, aged 83; "Ellaville News - Friends 
              of Mr. A. Robinson will regret to know that he is 
              critically ill, very little hope being entertained 
              for his recovery due to his extreme old age."
Sept 12,1940  funeral of Arin Robinson TCN - obit of A. Robinson
Sept 17,1940  "Ellaville News - Among the out-of-town relatives 
              and friends attending the funeral services of Mr. 
              A. Robinson, held at the Ellaville Methodist church 
              were:  Mr. and Mrs. Reese Sims, Mrs. H.L. Speer, 
              Leslie; Dick Robinson, Atlanta; Mrs. Emmett Slap-
              pey, Mrs. M.J. Andrews, Mrs. Hugh Mills, Albany; 
              H.J. Worthy, Sumter; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ansley, 
              J.N. Worthy and Mrs. Roy Robinson, Americus." 
Nov.  5,1940  draft list:  #'s 2,689-2,846, #2,754 Richard Arin 
Nov. 11,1940  "Leslie News - Mr. H.L. Speer left Friday with his 
              son, John S. Speer for Dahlonega, where he will 
              spend several days before going to Gainesville,
              Ga., where he will visit his daughter, Mrs. C.J.
              Cheves before returning to Leslie next week."; "Mrs.
              Ethel Robinson has returned from Atlanta, where she
              spent the weekend with her son, Dick Robinson."
Dec.  2,1940  marriage of Richard Arin Robinson and Miss Agnes 
              Eugenia Mitchell, Nov. 30th
Dec.  5,1940  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. Alva Speer of Ochloch-
              nee, Ga., spent Sunday here the guests of Mr. and 
              Mrs. H.L. Speer."
Dec. 18,1940  "Leslie News - Mrs. J.M. Green of Tifton, is here 
              visiting her sister, Mrs. H.L. Speer, for several 
Dec. 31,1940  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Cheves, Joanne and 
              Charles Cheves, of Gainesville, Ga., spent last 
              weekend here with Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer."
Jan.  1,1941  50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer
Jan.  8,1941  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Park Green and 
              Mrs. Aurelia Green returned to their home at 
              Ft.Myers, Fla., Saturday after a visit to Mr. and 
              Mrs. H.L. Speer."
Feb. 17,1941  "Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Robinson, of Atlanta, were the 
              weekend guests of his mother, Mrs. Ethel Robinson."
Feb. 19,1941  "Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Robinson have returned to their 
              home in Atlanta after a visit during the weekend 
              with her mother, Mrs. Mae Mitchell and his mother, 
              Mrs. Ethel Robinson."
Apr. 17,1941  "Leslie News - Mrs. H.L. Speer visited Mrs. Hugh 
              Mills in Albany Thursday."
May  16,1941  "Leslie News - Mr. Alva Speer of Ochlochnee, Ga. 
              spent Sunday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 
              H.L. Speer.; Mrs. C.J. Cheves returned to her home 
              in Gainesville, Ga. after a visit of several days 
              to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer."
June 17,1941  "Mrs. Morgan Smith, of Columbia, S.C., has returned 
              from a visit in Jacksonville and is the guest of 
              her mother, Mrs. Ethel Robinson, at her home on 
              Brown street."
July 23,1941  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Cheves and two 
              children, Joanne and Charles, of Gainesville, Ga., 
              are expected today to spend several days here with 
              Mrs. Cheves' parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer."
Aug. 22,1941  "Leslie News - Mrs. Zetta Kent of Miami, Fla., vis-
              ited Mrs. H.L. Speer Wednesday,; Mr. and Mrs. J.S. 
              Speer of Dahlonega, spent Wednesday night here with 
              Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer.  They were enroute to 
Sept 23,1941  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. Alva Speer of Ochloch-
              nee, Ga., and Mr. Hilton Hutchinson, of Tifton, 
              spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer."
Oct.  7,1941  "Leslie News - Mrs. Della Cobb of Birmingham, Ala., 
              is here visiting her sister, Mrs. H.L. Speer."
Oct. 30,1941  "HOSPITAL NOTES - Mrs. Ethel Robinson is undergo-
              ing medical treatment at Prather clinic."
Nov. 13,1941  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. John S. Speer of Dah-
              lonega will come Wednesday to spend several days 
              with Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer."
Nov. 19,1941  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. John S. Speer...spent 
              several days here last week with Mr. Speer's par-
              ents, Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer." 
Dec.  2,1941  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer spent Sun-
              day in Ellaville with relatives."
Dec. 22,1941  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Cheves, Joanne and 
              Charles Cheves, of Gainesville, Ga., are expected 
              to arrive Tuesday for a few days visit with Mr. and 
              Mrs. H.L. Speer.  From here they will go to Monte-
              zuma where they will spend the weekend with rela-
Dec. 27,1941  "Leslie News - A.E. Speer of Ochlochnee, spent 
              Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer."
Feb. 21,1942  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer attended the 
              Sunday School conference at the Central Baptist 
              Church Monday."
Mar. 26,1942  TCN - "Corporal R.A. Robinson of the...Field Artil-
              lery, spent Sunday in Americus with Mrs. Robinson
              and his mother, Mrs. Ethel Robinson.  Corp. Robin-
              son expects to be tranferred to another post at an
              early date."
Apr.  9,1942  TCN - "In honor of the birthday of her aunt, Mrs.
              A.B. Howard, long time Americus resident but now
              living in Leslie, Mrs. Ethel Robinson entertained
              ...Tuesday evening (Apr. 7th) at her home on Brown
              ...Mrs. Howard is the former Miss Senora Bass...
              Those present were:  ...Mrs. Charles Giddings...
              Mrs. Omer Bass...Mrs. R.A. Robinson."
Apr. 16,1942  TCN - "Corp. R.A. Robinson, now stationed at Camp
              Shelby, Miss., is spending a week's furlough with
              Mrs. Robinson and his mother, Mrs. Ethel Robinson."
Apr. 24,1942  "Leslie News - Alva Speer of Ochlochnee, will come
              today to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.L. 
Aug. 10,1942  "Leslie News - Mr. H.L. Speer is out of town this
              week visiting relatives at Dahlonega."
Aug. 14,1942  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Cheves and Miss 
              Joanne Cheves, of Gainesville, Ga., came Monday to 
              spend this week with Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer, MDs. 
              Cheves' parents."
Sept 24,1942  "Leslie News - Mrs. H.L. Speer is spending two 
              weeks in Fayette and Birmingham, Ala. with rela-
Dec. 30,1942  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Cheves of Gaines-
              ville, Ga., spent their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. 
              H.L. Speer."
Jan.  6,1943  obit of Mrs. H.L. Speer's sister, Mrs. Della Sims 
              Cobb, died Dec. 29th, aged 73, in Birmingham, Ala. 
              (see "Leslie News")
Mar.  9,1943  "BIRTHS - Mr. and Mrs. J. Stanley Greene announce 
              the birth of a daughter, Monday, March 8, at Pra-
              ther Clinic, who has been named Patricia Windsor 
              for her mother, the former Miss Patricia Robinson."
              TCN - "Ellaville Personals - Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Rob-
              inson and Mr. and Mrs. Troy Morrow held a reunion
              of several members of the Robinson family on Sunday
              complimenting Lt. Phillip A. Murray and wife.  Pre-
              sent...were:  Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Mills and daughter,
              Frances, of Albany; Mrs. Ethel Robinson, of Ameri-
              cus, and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Greene, of Schley
              county.  Lt. Murray, known to his friends as "Pete"
              has just returned...from the Pacific...He was at
              Pearl Harbor..."
Mar. 26,1943  "Word has been received in Americus that A. Forrest 
              Robinson, former Sumter county resident, was killed 
              by burglars at his home in Alpine, Texas Wednesday 
              night (Mar. 24th).  Mr. Robinson was shot to death.  
              He is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Arin Robin-
              son, of Schley and Sumter county.  Surviving are 
              his widow and two children, Lieut. A.F. Robinson, 
              Jr. and Miss Mary Beth Robinson..."
Apr.  7,1943  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer had as their 
              guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mills, of Albany, 
              Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Robinson, Mrs. Troy Morrow and 
              son, Wayne, of Ellaville." 
June 23,1943  "Leslie News - Mrs. C.J. Cheves and son, of Gaines-
              ville, Ga., are here visiting Mrs. Cheves' parents, 
              Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer."
Aug. 23,1943  TCN - "Mrs. Ethel Robinson has as her guests Mrs.
              Morgan Smith, of Chattanooga, and Mrs. Stanley 
              Greene, of Ellaville." 
Aug. 25,1943  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Speer and 
              daughter from Pahokee, Fla., are here spending some 
              time with Mr. Speer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.L. 
Oct. 18,1943  "BIRTHS - Lt. and Mrs. Richard A. Robinson announce 
              the birth of a 7 1/2 pound daughter, Saturday, Oc-
              tober 16, at city hospital, who has been named 
              Richard Agnes.  Mrs. Robinson is the former Miss 
              Agnes Mitchell.  Lt. Robinson is serving with the 
              armed forces in the Southwest Pacific." 
Nov. 18,1943  Sumter Grand Jury list:  H.L. Speer, et. al.
Dec. 15,1943  "Leslie News - Mr. H.L. Speer has been ill with a
              cold for several days."
Dec. 31,1943  "Leslie News - Prof. and Mrs. C.J. Cheves, of 
              Gainesville, Ga., spent the holidays here with Mr. 
              and Mrs. H.L. Speer."
May  18,1944  "Leslie News - Miss Carrie Speer of Americus is 
              spending several days here with Mr. and Mrs. H.L.
June 14,1944  "Mrs. Morgan Smith, of Chattanooga, is visiting her 
              mother, Mrs. Ethel Robinson."
July 20,1944  TCN - "Mrs. W.H. Richardson, of Atlanta, is visit-
              ing her sisters, Mrs. Ethel Robinson and Mrs. Bes-
              sie Westbrook, at their home on Oak avenue."
Aug.  7,1944  "Mrs. A.F. Robinson, of Alpine, Texas, is a guest 
              of Mrs. Ethel W. Robinson at her home on Oak ave-
Aug. 10,1944  TCN - "Mrs. A. Forrest Robinson left on Wednesday
              for her home in Alpine, Texas, after a visit to 
              Mrs. Ethel Robinson at her home..."; "PERSONAL 
              ITEMS FROM ELLAVILLE - Mrs. Forrest Robinson left
              for her home...Friday after a visit with Mr. and
              Mrs. J.H. Robinson."
Sept  1,1944  "Leslie News - Mrs. J.M. Green is visiting her sis-
              ter, Mrs. H.L. Speer.; Mrs. H.L. Speer is able to 
              be out again after her illness of several days." 
Sept  7,1944  TCN - "Ellaville Locals - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mills,
              of Albany, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John Hugh
              Robinson for the weekend."
Nov. 22,1944  "Leslie News - Mr. John S. Speer of Dahlonega, and 
              Mrs. Cheves of Gainesville, Ga., spent last week-
              end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer."
Jan.  2,1945  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Cheves...spent 
              several days this week here with Mrs. Cheves' par-
              ents, Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer." 
Mar.  1,1945  "Leslie News - Miss Carrie Speer of Americus spent 
              Tuesday night here, the guest of Miss Pearl Sims, 
              and will spend today with Mrs. H.L. Speer."
Aug.  2,1945  "Leslie News - Mr. Herbert Speer is here visiting
              his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer."
Dec.  7,1945  "PRATHER CLINIC - Mrs. Ethel Robinson, medical 
              patient, is improving."
Jan.  3,1946  TCN - "Lieut. Richard Robinson, U.S. Engineering
              Corps, has returned to the United States after sev-
              eral months in the Pacific area, and is now in At-
              lanta, where Mrs. Robinson joined him Thursday.
              Lieut. Robinson expects to visit his mother, Mrs.
              Ethel Robinson, in a short while."
Mar.  6,1946  "DONNING CIVIES AGAIN - ...Robinson, Richard A...."
Mar. 20,1946  "Leslie News - Mrs. H.L. Speer visited at the home 
              of her son, Mr. Alva Speer in Ochlochnee."
Mar. 21,1946  TCN - "Ellaville News - Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Mills 
              have returned to Albany, after a visit with Mr. and
              Mrs. J.H. Robinson."
Apr. 17,1946  "Leslie News - Mrs. H.L. Speer had a birthday Sunday 
              (Apr. 14th).  Mr. and Mrs. Alva Speer, of Ochloch-
              nee, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Speer, of Dahlonega, Mr. 
              and Mrs. C.J. Cheves, of Gainseville, Ga., were 
              present with gifts.  One son, Herbert Speer, of Flo-
              rida, could not come but sent greetings and gifts.." 
June 27,1946  TCN - "Mrs. Ethel Robinson has returned from a vis-
              it to relatives in Chattanooga, Tenn."
Aug.  9,1946  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Cheves, of Gaines-
              ville, Ga., spent the weekend here with Mrs. 
              Cheves' parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer.  Mrs. 
              Speer returned home with them for a week's visit."
Sept 17,1946  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer and Miss Bet-
              ty Speer, of Pahokee, Fla., who have been visiting 
              the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer, left 
              Friday for a short visit in Ochlochnee from there to 
              Tallahassee, where Miss Speer is entering her senior 
              year at the State College for Women.; Alva E. Speer, 
              of Ochlochnee, spent Thursday afternoon and evening 
              with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Speer.; John S. 
              Speer of Dahlonega, and sister, Mrs. C.J. Cheves, 
              of Gainesville, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. 
              H.L. Speer, Thursday and Friday."
Nov. 18,1946  "Master Sgt. and Mrs. R.H. Robinson, and daughter, 
              Dickie, of the University of Alabama, were weekend 
              guests of their mother, Mrs. Ethel W. Robinson."; 
              "Mrs. Morgan Smith and children, Chris and Robin, of 
              Chattanooga, are visiting Mrs. Ethel W. Robinson..."
Dec. 30,1946  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Cheves, Miss Joanne 
              Cheves and Charles Cheves, of Gainesville, Ga., 
              are the guests of Mrs. Cheves' parents, Mr. and 
              Mrs. H.L. Speer."
Jan. 31,1947  "Leslie News - Mrs. George Gullett and son Jimmy, of 
              Fayette, Ala., came Tuesday for a visit of several 
              days to Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer and other relatives 
Feb. 20,1947  "Leslie News - Mrs. Amelia Green is visiting her 
              sister Mrs. H.L. Speer.; Miss Carrie Speer of Ameri-
              cus is visiting relatives here this week."
Apr. 24,1947  "Leslie News - Mrs. Myrtle Haygood of Birmingham, 
              Ala., is here visiting Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer.; Mr. 
              H.L. Speer is having a birthday today.  He and Mrs. 
              Speer expect all of their children to come Saturday 
              for a celebration of the occasion."
May   1,1947  "MR. AND MRS. SPEER HAVE FAMILY REUNION - Leslie, 
              Ga., May 1. - The "old home place" formed the back-
              ground for a most joyous occasion, Sunday, April 
              27, when Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer were honored at a 
              family reunion...Those enjoying the occasion...Mr.
              and Mrs. A.E. Speer...H.L. Speer...John S. Speer...
              Mrs. C.J. Cheves...Miss Betty Speer...Mr. and Mrs.
              Vernon Harris of Pelham, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Baum-
              gardner of Ochlochnee...Charles Cheves...great 
              grandchildren ...Len, Sunny and Vernon Harris, Jr.
              ...nephew, J.H. Robinson and wife of Ellaville." 
May  12,1947  "Mrs. R.A. Robinson and daughter, Dickie, of Tusca-
              loosa, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Ernest Pantone 
              and Mr. Pantone."
July 10,1947  "Leslie News - Mrs. Beatrice Postell, of Macon, was 
              the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer for the week-
July 30,1947  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. Everett Schneider of 
              Greenville, S.C., Mr. Olin Speer of Winter Haven, 
              Fla., and Miss Nannie Lou Speer of Americus, were 
              recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H.L. 
Aug.  5,1947  "Leslie News - Charles Cheves, of Gainesville, Ga., 
              is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H.L. 
Oct. 31,1947  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. Alva Speer of Ochloch-
              nee, spent Monday afternoon here with their parents, 
              Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer."
Jan.  9,1948  "Mrs. Earl Routon, of Havana, Fla., Mrs. E.A. Max-
              well and Mrs. McGriff, of Calvary, Ga., visited Mr. 
              and Mrs. H.L. Speer in Leslie, Thursday."
Apr. 16,1948  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer are expecting 
              all their children for the weekend.  They are coming 
              for a celebration of their parents' birth days."
Aug. 12,1948  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. Hugh L. Speer have as 
              their guests this week Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Speer, 
              of Pahokee, Fla., and Mrs. Jud Cheves and daughter, 
              Miss Joanne Cheves, of Gainesville, Ga."
Oct. 18,1948  "Leslie News - Mrs. H.L. Speer, who has been ill at 
              her home is reported better."
Nov.  4,1948  "Leslie News - Mrs. H.L. Speer is able to be out 
              again after her recent illness."
Nov. 15,1948  "Leslie News - Mrs. Kent, of Miami, visited Mr. and 
              Mrs. H.L. Speer for a few days."
Jan.  5,1949  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Cheves, Charles, 
              Jr., and Miss Joanne Cheves, of Gainesville, Ga., 
              Mr. and Mrs. Alva Speer, of Ochlochnee, spent the 
              holidays here with Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer."
Jan.  7,1949  "BIRTHS - Mr. and Mrs. James Stanley Greene, of El-
              laville, announce the birth of a son, Thursday, 
              January 6, at Prather Clinic, who has been named 
              James Stanley, Jr.  Mrs. Greene is the former Miss 
              Pat Robinson, of Americus."
Mar.  3,1949  "Leslie News - Mrs. C.J. Cheves, of Gainesville, 
              Ga., arrived Friday for a visit with her parents, 
              Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer."
Mar. 31,1949  "Leslie News - Miss Carrie Speer has returned to 
              her home in Americus after a few days visit here 
              with Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer."
Apr. 27,1949  "Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer had their children with 
              them during the weekend to help celebrate their 
              77th and 82nd birthday...present were:  Mr. and 
              Mrs. A.E. Speer and daughters and families...of 
              Ochlochnee, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Harris and child-
              ren, Lynn and Vernon, Jr., and Sunny, of Pelham, 
              Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer, Jr. (sic), from Pahokee 
              and daughter, Miss Betty Speer of Athens, Mr. and 
              Mrs. C.J. Cheves, of Gainesville, Ga., and daugh-
              ter, Miss Joanne Cheves, of Cartersville, John S. 
              Speer of Dahlonega.  Others enjoying the occasion 
              were...Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Robinson, of Ellaville and 
              Miss Carrie Speer, of Americus." 
May  24,1949  "Leslie News - Mrs. J.M. Green of Montgomery, Ala., 
              is spending several days with her sister, Mrs. H.L. 
June 28,1949  "Leslie News - Mrs. Beatrice Postell, of Macon, and 
              Mr. John S. Speer, of Dahlonega, were guests of Mr. 
              and Mrs. H.L. Speer recently." 
Oct.  8,1949  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. Alva Speer, of Ochloch-
              nee, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Speer, Pahokee, who
              have been the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
              H.L. Speer this week left today for Athens, where 
              they will go to Gainesville, Ga., where they will
              attend the marriage of Miss Joanne Cheves to Mr. 
              Bob Davis, Oct. 9.  Miss Cheves is a granddaughter
              of Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer.  Mrs. H.L. Speer is al-
              so attending the wedding."
Jan.  5,1950  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. Alva Speer, of Ochloch-
              nee, Ga., spent Sunday night and Monday here the 
              guests of Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer and Mr. and Mrs. 
              W.T. Anderson."
              Jr., grandson of Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer, of Les-
              lie, is making an outstanding record scholastical-
              ly, at the U.S. Military Academy...Young Cheves, 
              whose father is superintendent of schools in 
              Gainesville, Ga., is making grades well above the 
              proficiency level in each of the four subjects he 
              is taking.  Cadet Cheves is near the top of his 
              class in one subject and in the upper third of a-
June 30,1950  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Cheves and son, 
              Mr. Charles Cheves, were recent visitors to Mr. and 
              Mrs. H.L. Speer, from here they went to Fla., where 
              they will spend several days."
July 19,1950  "Leslie News - Mrs. Herbert Speer of Canal Point,
              Fla., and her daughter, Miss Bettie Speer, of Athens,
              have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer this
Aug.  2,1950  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer, and daughter,
              Mrs. C.J. Cheves, are spending this week at Ochloch-
              nee with Mr. and Mrs. Alva Speer."
Oct. 27,1950  "Ellaville News - Mr. and Mrs. John Hugh Robinson 
              and Mrs. Dallas Spurlock have returned from a visit 
              to Mr. Robinson's sister, Mrs. H.M. Mills and Mr. 
              Mills, in Albany.  Returning home they were guests 
              of Mrs. Spurlock's son, in Dawson."
Nov. 16,1950  "Leslie News - Mrs. C.J. Cheves of Gainesville, Ga. 
              is here spending several days with her parents Mr. 
              and Mrs. H.L. Speer."
Jan.  5,1951  "Leslie News - Mr. H.L. Speer who has been ill for 
              several days is reported some better."
Jan. 16,1951  "Leslie News - Mrs. C.J. Cheves has returned to her 
              home in Gainesville after spending several days 
              here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer, who 
              have been very ill but are able to be up now."
Feb. 14,1951  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Cheves, of Gaines-
              ville, Ga., visited Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer during 
              the week.; Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer are able to be 
              out after an illness of several days."
May   2,1951  "Leslie News - Mrs. George Gullett of Fayette, Ala. 
              is here visiting her aunt, Mrs. H.L. Speer and Mr. 
              H.L. Speer.; Mrs. C.J. Cheves returned to her home 
              in Gainesville, Ga., after a visit to her parents, 
              Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer." 
              Mrs. H.L. Speer celebrated their respective birth-
              days on Sunday April 29 with a family reunion...
              present were:  Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Speer and Mrs.
              Johnny Baum Gardner, of Ochlochnee, Ga., Mr. and 
              Mrs. H.L. Speer, Pahokee, Fla., Miss Bettie Speer,
              Athens, Mr. J.S. Speer, Dahlonega, Ga., Mrs. C.J.
              Cheves, Gainesville, Ga., Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Har-
              ris and children of Pelham.  Others present:  Mr.
              and Mrs. J.H. Robinson, Mrs. Troy Morrow and son,
              Douglas, of Ellaville, Mrs. Charles Hale and Miss 
              Lubel Speer, Americus, Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Mills,
May  24,1951  "Leslie News - Mrs. C.J. Cheves...spent Sunday here 
              with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer."
Aug.  3,1951  "Leslie News - Mrs. C.J. Cheves...daughter Joanne
              and little daughter are here visiting Mr. and Mrs.
              H.L. Speer this week." 
Aug.  8,1951  "Leslie News - Mrs. C.J. Cheves returned to her 
              home...after a few days visit to her parents, Mr. 
              and Mrs. H.L. Speer."
Oct. 12,1951  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. John Hugh Robinson, of
              Ellaville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer
Jan.  5,1952  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer will cele-
              brate their 61st wedding anniversary Saturday Jan. 
              5 with their children.  The children will also 
              spend Sunday with them."
Jan.  9,1952  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Cheves, of Gaines-
              ville, Ga., and Mr. John S. Speer, of Dahlonega, 
              were the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. H.L. 
Feb. 13,1952  "Leslie News - Mrs. M.S. Speer has been ill at her 
              home here for the past week."
Feb. 20,1952  "Leslie News - Mrs. H.L. Speer continues ill at her 
              home here.; Mrs. C.J. Cheves, of Gainesville, Ga., 
              and Mrs. George Gullett, of Fayette, Ala., are here 
              on account of the illness of Mrs. H.L. Speer."
Feb. 22,1952  "Leslie News - Mrs. H.L. Speer who has been con-
              fined to her home for the past two weeks is improv-
Mar.  5,1952  "Leslie News - Mrs. H.L. Speer who has been ill for
              several days is reported about the same.; Mr. and 
              Mrs. Alva Speer of Ochlochnee spent Sunday here
              with Mr. Speer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Speer."
Mar. 13,1952  "Leslie News - Mrs. Herbert Speer from Fla. is here 
              on account of the illness of Mrs. H.L. Speer.; Mrs. 
              H.L. Speer continues ill at her home here."
Mar. 14,1952  obit of Aurelia Sims, Mrs. J.M. Green, sister of 
              Mrs. H.L. Speer, died Mar. 13th
Apr. 10,1952  "Leslie News - Mrs. H.L. Speer continues very ill 
              at the city hospital in Americus."
Apr. 21,1952  obit of Mamie Sims, Mrs. H.L. Speer, died Apr. 20th 
              aged 80
May   3,1952  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. John S. Speer have re-
              turned to their home in Dahlonega after spending 
              several days here with H.L. Speer."
June  4,1952  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Cheves, of Gaines-
              ville, Ga., spent Saturday and Sunday here with H. 
              L. Speer."
June 18,1952  "Leslie News - Mr. Alva Speer, of Ochlochnee, spent 
              Sunday here with his father, Mr. H.L. Speer."
July 10,1952  "Hugh L. Speer, of Leslie, dropped by The Times-
              Recorder today to show the staff an 1850 state doc-
              ument signed by the governor at that time, George 
              W. Towns, naming Speer's father, the late H.L. 
              Speer, Sr., as a clerk of superior court..."
Aug. 22,1952  "Leslie News - The friends of Alva Speer, of Och-
              lochnee, will be glad to learn that he is able to
              be carried home after a serious operation."
Sept 24,1952  "Leslie News - H.L. Speer had as his guests for the 
              weekend his daughter, Mrs. C.J. Cheves, of Gaines-
              ville, Ga., John S. Speer, Dahlonega, and Mr. and 
              Mrs. Alva Speer, of Ochlochnee."
Sept 25,1952  "LESLIE MAN SUFFERS STROKE - H.L. Speer, Jr., 85,
              well-known Leslie man suffered a severe stroke ear-
              ly this morning.  He is in a serious condition and
              relatives have been called to Leslie."
Sept 30,1952  "Leslie News - H.L. Speer, who has been ill for the 
              past week, is reported about the same.; C.J. Cheves 
              ...and John S. Speer...were here Sunday to see H.L. 
Oct. 14,1952  "Leslie News - C.J. Cheves...spent the weekend here 
              to see H.L. Speer and Mrs. Cheves."
Oct. 22,1952  "Leslie News - Mr. H.L. Speer continues ill at his 
              home here.  Mrs. C.J. with him."
Dec. 17,1952  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. Walter Williamson have 
              bought the H.L. Speer home and farm and will move 
              to the home Thursday."
Aug.  8,1953  "Leslie News - Mr. H.L. Speer, who has been in the
              Gainesville, Ga. hospital for several months, was 
              moved to the Griffin and Spalding Co. Hospital July
              13.  He is reported as doing very well.  He enjoys
              receiving cards from his friends."
Nov. 25,1953  "...Tuesday a jury ruled in favor of the defendant, 
              the Seaboard Air Lines Railroad Co., in a case 
              brought by H.L. Speer.  Mr. Speer was suing for da-
              mages in the amount of $1,500 for the burning of a 
              two-room tenant house near Sumter City..."
May  20,1954  "Mrs. Ethel W. Robinson has returned from a visit
              with her son, Capt. R.A. Robinson and family in 
              Charleston, S.C. and her daughter, Mrs. Morgan 
              Smith, and family, in Jacksonville."
Oct. 20,1954  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Speer, of Pa-
              hokee, Fla., were the dinner guests of Mrs. R.J.
              Sims, Sunday, enroute to Griffin to be the guests
              of Mr. and Mrs. Jud Cheves."
June 30,1955  "Mrs. A.B. Howard, of Vidalia, is visiting her 
              niece, Mrs. Ethel Robinson, Oak avenue."
July 13,1955  "Leslie News - Mr. and Mrs. Alva Speer of Ochloch-
              nee spent Sunday here the guests of relatives."
Nov. 14,1955  "English Award to Honor Former School Teacher -
              "Ethel W. Robinson Award"" instituted at AHS 
Nov. 23,1956  "FORMER LESLIE RESIDENT BURIED - Burial services 
              were to be conducted at 3 p.m. Friday from the Les-
              lie Baptist Church for Hugh Lawson Speer, 89, for-
              mer resident who died Thursday at the Pineworth
              Hospital in Macon.  Mr. Speer was a member of the
              Leslie Baptist Church.  The Revs. Ira Faglier and
              C.H. Hornsby officiated at the rites.  Survivors
              include a daughter, Mrs. Judson Cheves, Griffin,
              and three sons, Alva E. Speer, Ochlochnee, Herbert 
              L. Speer, Pahokee, Fla., and John S. Speer, Dahlo-
              nega; also five grandchildren and seven great-
              grandchildren.  Interment was in the Leslie ceme-
              tery.  Rees Park Chapel of Americus was in charge
              of arrangements."